Cayman Islands Fencing Federation
The national governing body for the sport of fencing in the Cayman Islands
A dream to those who fence

Our Mission
Our Mission
Honour, Integrity, Solidarity
The Cayman Islands Fencing Federation is a registered non-profit organization and the national governing body for the sport of fencing in the Cayman Islands. We are a member of our NOC, the Cayman Islands Olympic Committee and are in the process of becoming a member of the FIE, the global governing body of the sport of fencing. Our goal is to bring the sport of fencing to the Cayman Islands and support Caymanian fencers in their quest to compete on the world stage. Our Fencers embrace the sport and one another in training honourably and creating a sense of integrity within the sport. Join us in solidarity to build friendships and a love of fencing.
Membership in the CIFF is open to everyone, Caymanian and non-Caymanian alike. From ages 8 to 85 we welcome you, your children, and your friends to come and fence with us!
Our Locations
Cayman Fencing Academy:
We are currently looking for a permanent space in which to house our fencing academy and federation offices. Please check back soon!
Core Strength Training Facility:
The Performance Lab
68 Mary Street
Georgetown, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
+1 345-929-4555
In the News